Category Archives: Reviews

Nocturne is so good, it’s scary

Being a fan of the horror side of computer games, it was easy to get into the concept of Nocturne, which features a monster hunter named The Stranger who goes around killing werewolves, zombies, vampires and other creatures of the night. One of my favorite games of all time is called Realms of the Haunting, and playing Nocturne reminded me of it a lot. Even though Realms did not enjoy widespread commercial success, it none the less earned mine. Another type of game in the same vein as Nocturne is the entire Alone in the Dark series. All of these … Continue reading Nocturne is so good, it’s scary

Amerzone usurps the ultimate adventure game

Too often, adventure games compare themselves to the reigning God, Myst. And too often, new games perform far below Myst — far worse in fact. Some might be inclined to declare Amerzone a good game in the Myst vein. I’ll go one step further. Amerzone takes first-person adventure gaming to the next level and could — no, Amerzone should — become Myst’s successor on the throne of adventure games. Amerzone’s captivating graphics, compelling characters, complex, but solvable, puzzles and an excellent plot kept me playing for hours on end–nothing that any other adventure game has done since…well…Myst. (Sorry fans, but … Continue reading Amerzone usurps the ultimate adventure game

Reah gets lost in the translation

You wouldn’t understand it, it’s a Polish thing. What the folks at Project 2 Interactive are calling "Riven for everyone," the adventure/puzzle game Reah turns out to be less Myst inspiring and more difficult to understand, furthermore solve. You play an obnoxious journalist who somehow gets transported to a reality full of idiotic characters and puzzles that are either too simplistic or impossible to solve. Reah is another game of excellent environment, but piss-poor plotting. Moreover, since Reah comes from the Polish company L.K. Avalon, all of the actors are poorly Samari-movie-like dubbed by badly voiced Americans speaking childishly written … Continue reading Reah gets lost in the translation

Silent Hill brings horror gamers screaming for more

Silent Hill reaches a whole new level of horror as Konami brings to us perhaps the most blood-chilling, psychotic thriller ever to reach the Sony platform. Resident Evil? Parasite Eve? No contest. Silent Hill grips the darkest part of the gamer’s imagination in a way that no game has before. Trust me when I tell you that this game will help you understand every aspect of the word ”fear.” Harry Manson, writer and protagonist, lost his wife to a disease that left a shadow over his soul. His daughter, Cheryl is the only bright spot in his life. Harry prefers … Continue reading Silent Hill brings horror gamers screaming for more

Star Wars game will force up expectations bar

Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace is the game for anyone who watched the new Star Wars movie and wished they were there. Which, if the popularity of the new movie is any indication, is just about everyone. But unlike a lot of movie tie-in games that fall well short of the movie they are based on, this game stands on its own merit. Even if the movie did not exist, this game would still be a lot of fun to play. As it is, it’s the perfect way to extend your Star Wars experience well beyond the theater. … Continue reading Star Wars game will force up expectations bar

Vampires Suck, but Castlevania rocks

Vampires. A hapless group of soul-bound individuals with an unquenchable thirst for blood. Countless tales have been told of their superhuman strength, speed, and agility as well as their horrific acts of terror and unholy rituals. For many years they ruled the nights, shunning the light of day, sucking the life out of helpless victims and binding them to their eternal curse. But amongst the race of vampires there was one foul being whose name stood out amongst the rest. A being, so relentless, so evil, so powerful that all bowed before him and swore their loyalty to him. Count … Continue reading Vampires Suck, but Castlevania rocks

Roberta Williams does it again

As far as I am concerned, this is the best King’s Quest yet, as well as one of the best adventure games ever created. The puzzles in King’s Quest: Mask of Eternity are tough, yet solvable. The interface is easy to use, the plot is well thought-out and the graphics are very good. In fact, this game gets my highest rating yet. The part that I most enjoyed is that even though the gameplay takes place on different worlds, I never found it necessary to go back through and get something I missed on the first run. Given, I was … Continue reading Roberta Williams does it again

Thief: The Dark Project will steal your heart

It is so refreshing to find a 3D shooter that offers something different. Sure, Unreal and Half-Life are great games that have collectively sucked a lot of time away from my busy schedule. But at their core, they are all about getting to the biggest gun first and then blowing away anything that moves. Looking Glass Studios’ newest offering Thief: The Dark Project is different. If you try to play Thief the way you normally play Unreal, you are going to die quicky and painfully. After all, you are playing a thief in this game, so you better act like … Continue reading Thief: The Dark Project will steal your heart

Zelda levels console market, aims at Metal Gear’s dominance

Zelda 64 is the most anticipated game on the N64 platform. For months we’ve seen it plastered in all the major gaming magazines and read about its progress at the most popular Internet Web sites. Its ratings have even earned it a segment in NewsWeek. There have been what seemed to be hundreds of canceled release dates on this title. N64 fans have tossed and turned in their beds for over 40 days and 40 nights. We’ve stared blankly at our clocks from sunrise to sundown waiting for some sign of it’s arrival. Tick…Tock…Tick…Tock. They tried to send us "Quest … Continue reading Zelda levels console market, aims at Metal Gear’s dominance

X-Files Fans: stop drooling and buy it!

I am a major X-Files fan, so when I found out that Fox Interactive was putting out an X-Files Game, I knew I had to have it. After a heated bidding war with the other GiN reviewers, I managed to convince the editor in chief that I was the best man for the job. Now I just have to wash his car once a week for the rest of the month. Fortunately for me, this game is worth it. Once I finally laid my hands on the box, I was a little horrified to find seven CD’s inside. I had … Continue reading X-Files Fans: stop drooling and buy it!