Featuring a strong buddy tale of two Nazi-hunting sisters, Wolfenstein Youngblood attempts to take the series into a more modern era. With beautiful graphics, a smooth cooperative mode for two human players, a great story and plenty of action, it’s mission accomplished.
With more than a little bit of a nod to H. P. Lovecraft, The Sinking City adventure game provides one of the truest representations of a Call of Cthulhu pen and paper role-playing game, and all the positives and negatives that entails.
Commitment is book three in the Alex and Cassidy series, and like those before it delivers a plot that is laden with heavy intrigue. Some might say that Commitment is more of the same, but if you like spycraft in your books, this series has it in spades.
Warhammer: Chaosbane has been plagued with little bugs since launch, but now finally seems to have worked out the kinks to reveal a good action-oriented RPG that dives into some deep lore and good storytelling to create a compelling experience.
Song of Memories is a coming of age tale about a boy who has to grow up fast. Things get weird though when a mysterious band of beautiful girls arrive and vow to protect him from roving monsters…by dancing. Yes, it’s very odd, but also kind of cool.
Book Review- Star Trek: The Original Series: The Captain’s Oath
Fans of the original Star Trek are not going to want to miss seeing how events made Kirk one of Starfleet’s most iconic captains. Beyond just the Kirk angle, this is good science fiction at its best.
Warlocks 2 offers the somewhat rare local cooperative gameplay that can make a hack and slash title a lot of fun. But weakness in the combat engine and overall gameplay shortcomings make it a bit too clunky to be overly valuable for single adventures.