Category Archives: Reviews

Race the Sun is Going Mobile

Billy is returning to the land of smartphone games this week as he checks out the mobile version of the classic racing game Race the Sun. When you are racing forward in a sleek solar powered aircraft, your only choice is not to let the sun set without you!

Focus on Videogame Workers

In the surprisingly not very radical Marx at the Arcade book, author Jamie Woodcock examines some bad practices in the videogame industry that exploits workers, and explores better ways of doing business that could also lead to better games.

Action Stations in From Furies Forged

For our review of the Free Fleet series of novels, we come to the penultimate entry. In From Furies Forged, we see the gloom and doom atmosphere reach a breaking point, but also an apex of action sliding into the finale. And we are pretty sure this one is going to end with a bang.