Hunter The Reckoning: The Beast of Glenkildove is a new text adventure set in the World of Darkness. But instead of having players become a vampire in the adventure, they are a normal human learning to hunt another kind of nocturnal predator: werewolves.
Vampire The Masquerade fans are no longer hurting for content, as quite a few interactive novels and text adventures have come out over past couple years to slake that hunger. Sins of the Sires is one of the newest, although it’s a bit rough around the edges.
Parliament of Knives is an interactive story that shows players what it’s like to manipulate and survive undead politics in Vampire the Masquerade’s World of Darkness. This time you will be defending your city and your sire from all enemies foreign and domestic, or instead choosing to burn everything to the ground.
The Vampire The Masquerade: Out for Blood text-based adventure does what none of the other interactive novels of this type have attempted, setting a game in the World of Darkness but making the main character a pure human for most or all of the story. It’s a surprisingly refreshing change.
Presented as a highly detailed and thrilling text adventure game, Vampire the Masquerade Night Road puts you into a unique role in vampire society, that of an elite courier driving your elder’s secrets throughout the Southwest’s mysterious and deadly nights.
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