Phantasy Star Online is Ultima for Console

Ok, it’s no secret to anyone out there; I don’t like RPGs! I do not see how anyone can sit there for hours on end watching FMV look-alike characters getting slaughtered by opponents who use the cheap all out attack (cough, Super Nova, cough, Final Fantasy series, cough) over and over again. Not to mention that I hate having to stay in one small area all day beating foes that cheaply pop out of nowhere in order to get a high enough level to beat a boss. I will admit that some RPGs I do enjoy (Grandia 2 instantly comes … Continue reading Phantasy Star Online is Ultima for Console

Dreamcast launches to fanfare, worthy titles

Stop dreaming, It’s here. For a while, it seemed as though 9-9-99 was never going to arrive. For three months, I waited oh so impatiently for this magical day to arrive, because I knew that on that day I would be a proud owner of Sega’s new 128-bit Dreamcast system. Even test runs on imports and severe cases of insomnia during the final days didn’t hold me back. And on that great day of 9-9-99, I was the first person in line at my local Software Etc., ready to dedicate my life towards the new world that Dreamcast would offer. … Continue reading Dreamcast launches to fanfare, worthy titles