This week on Anime Sunday I’m covering the sequel to Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam! It’s Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, pronouced as “Double Zeta”!
Plot Synopsis: As the continuation of Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, this series once again follows the story of the Anti Earth Union Group (AEUG) battleship Argama after Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam ’s final episode. To fight off the Axis Zeon, now called the Neo Zeon, Captain Bright Noa recruits a group of teenage junk collectors led by the loudmouthed, but powerful Newtype Judau Ashta to pilot the Argama ’s mobile suits.
Plot: The plot for the first third of the series is markedly lighter than Zeta, which is both a good and bad thing. Good because by the end of Zeta things were very, very grim. Bad because it’s quite jarring, if you are marathoning the Universal Century series like I was. I didn’t enjoy the first third, because it glossed over serious matters I’d come to enjoy quite a bit in Zeta. However after that first third of the series things do get quite a bit more serious.
Characters: The returning characters from Zeta and the new ones in ZZ are very different, but I do like the difference in attitude between them. Roux in particular is somewhat annoying at the beginning, but over the course of the series I came to find her as my favorite new character even over Judau.
Art: The art is very similar to Zeta, and that’s probably because the series started airing right after Zeta.
Music: The music was alright, but the comedic portions were just as jarring as the plot that was happening while it was playing.
Overall: I wouldn’t blame you for reading the sparknotes about this series, as it is a hit or miss depending on how you view the first third.
For those who like: Mobile Suit Gundam, A bit of Comedy in their Space Operas, Serious plot after the first third.
Not for those who don’t like: Any of the above, or the very much toned down attitude of the first third.
I really need to watch this sometime. Started it a few years ago, but fell away due to the reason you mention. It and the Victory series are the only UC Gundam I haven’t seen.