Hey all, I’m back with the second entry in an urban fantasy series about Vince’s adventures in the Wastes for this week’s Bookish Wednesday. It’s “Wild Wastes Book Two” by Randi Darren.
Plot: This second entry picks up shortly after the first and is where things start to get interconnected with other stories like William D. Arand’s “Super Sales.” The authors Randi Darren and William D. Arand are the same person.
I won’t spoil how exactly everything is connected for now, but it’s a fairly obvious point when it shows up in this entry. Otherwise, “Wild Wastes Book Two” is a pretty fun and solid entry overall.
Characters: We get to meet a ton of new characters in this second entry, but my favorite is probably Red. The rest are also fun, but Red is easily the standout.
Overall: A solid second entry with plenty of action and adventure.