Hey all, I’m back with one of the most blatant cash grabs I can remember for this week’s Retro Game Friday. It’s Pokémon Channel!
Plot: The plot is pretty nonexistent, and it has you as the player be the beta tester for a new TV network with a Pikachu. Really, if this sounds somewhat familiar, that’s because this was hastily developed after Hey You, Pikachu! which is something I covered years back.
Gameplay: This is a weird mix of sim, digital pet, and adventure all mashed into one playable mess that isn’t that fun. Really, the game isn’t that great and was a fairly obvious cash grab by Nintendo, and also developed to showcase the Nintendo eReader, which was a thing for Game Boy Advance that was a pain in the butt.
Art: The art is nothing to note really. It’s pretty polygonal and has not aged at all well.
Music: The music is fairly standard Pokémon fare.
Overall: Not a game worth playing for any but the most die-hard Pokémon fan.
For those who like: Pokémon.
Not for those who don’t like: Pokémon.