Michael Blaker’s Synth Saturday: Chapters 16-20 of “As N Approaches Infinity” by Corisanna

Michael Blaker
Game Industry News is running the best blog posts from people writing about the game industry. Articles here may originally appear on Michael's blog, Windborne's Story Eatery.

Hey all, I’m back for this week’s Synth Saturday with more chapters detailing the adventures of Homura and the Kurosaki twins in a Fic that is a fusion between the Bleach and Madoka Magica settings. It’s Chapters 16-20 of “As N Approaches Infinity” by Corisanna.

Plot: This set of chapters continues with the X+N timeline, with Homura going out to fight Hollows with the twins and seeing if she can do so. We also get to see Ichigo arrive back in Kurakara and how he interacts with Homura.

Characters: We do get to see Homura meet Ichigo for the first time in the Fic. Her reaction to both him and the absolute insanity that is the Kurosaki household is pure gold. Honestly, it felt great to laugh given how dark Madoka Magica can get. Of course, Ichigo isn’t the only new face, but he is the least spoilerific one.

Overall: An amazing fourth set of chapters that show off the bright spots that really make this Fic stand out even with the dark subject matter that Madoka Magica can become.

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