Michael Blaker’s Synth Saturday: Chapters 51-55 of “Hard Enough-Pokemon SI” by Viva01

Michael Blaker
Game Industry News is running the best blog posts from people writing about the game industry. Articles here may originally appear on Michael's blog, Windborne's Story Eatery.

Hey all, I’m back for this week’s Synth Saturday with the tenth set of chapters that centers on someone who is reincarnated as Brock from the Pokemon anime and games, who is left in charge of 9 younger siblings in addition to running the Pewter City Gym. It’s Chapters 51-55 of “Hard Enough-Pokemon SI” by Viva01.

Plot: This chapter starts off with Brock taking his new employees out to Mt. Moon and getting ambushed by the flying menaces known as Zubats. Honestly, it was a fun call back to that absolute hell in the original Pokemon games where you were stuck fighting Zubats and Paras all the freaking time in the darn place while you wandered around in the dark.

Characters: We get to meet a few new characters, but this set of chapters is still focused on Brock, which only makes sense. We do get a bit of time in this set of chapters between him and Sabrina which is really nice.

Overall: A very fun set of chapters once again. If you haven’t been reading this fan fiction yet, you should really start. I can’t emphasize enough how good it is.

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