Hey all, I’m back with the tenth entry in an Isekai series that’s all about the adventures of Yuna for this week’s Translation Necessary Thursday. It’s “Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Volume 10” by Kumanano.
Plot: The plot of this volume picks up right after the events of the last volume with Yuna traveling alongside Luimin and Sanya to their home village to help out with the issues that they’ve been having. I won’t spoil what they have to deal with, but it’s a fairly action-packed volume for this series. Which is to say that there is more than one fight scene. Honestly, it was pretty great, and Yuna, of course, kicks plenty of butt.
Characters: We get introduced to a few new characters, but mostly this volume focuses on Yuna and the elf Sanya. That isn’t to say the newcomers are completely overshadowed to the point of only showing up once, but they are definitely not as noteworthy as Yuna or Sanya.
Overall: A very good tenth entry in one of my favorite series.