Michael Blaker’s Translation Necessary Thursday: “Reborn as a Space Mercenary Volume 03”

Michael Blaker
Game Industry News is running the best blog posts from people writing about the game industry. Articles here may originally appear on Michael's blog, Windborne's Story Eatery.

Hey all, I’m back with the third book in the adventures of Hiro and his crew of the Krishna for this week’s Translation Necessary Thursday. It’s “Reborn as a Space Mercenary Volume 03” by Ryuto.

Plot: In this third novel, we get to see Hiro and company decide to take a break and go to a resort. Since this is a sci-fi setting, the resorts are entire freaking planets with weather control and entire private islands just for a single party of guests.

Honestly, I’d love to live on the world of Sierra 3 since it sounds like it’d be just awesome in that tropical paradise that’s by the sea and thus always has some sort of breeze. However, this being the story of the Krishna and her crew, we don’t get to see Hiro and the others relax immediately once they get to the Sierra system. No, they have much bigger problems waiting for them on their arrival. I won’t spoil what, but this volume is probably one of my favorites of the series thus far.

Characters: We get to meet a few new characters, but the standouts are definitely Milo and Chris. Chris is just a really fun character, and Milo is just plain awesome. Again, I won’t spoil why I find them to be such since that’d be super spoilerific, but I do have my reasons.

Overall: An excellent third entry in a fun sci-fi series.

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