Hey all, I’m back with the fifth volume in the adventures of Hiro and his crew of the Krishna for this week’s Translation Necessary Thursday. It’s “Reborn as a Space Mercenary Volume 05” by Ryuto.
Plot: This volume starts off with the Krishna’s crew heading to a star system to buy a mothership, which is a carrier class starship that will hold the Krishna alongside allowing them to transport much more in their future endeavors. This volume is pretty great even though it’s not nearly as action packed as the past ones. But there are still some action scenes. However, the focus of this volume for the most part is on Hiro dealing with Space Dverger, and the fact that most of their employees are more than a bit insane causing Hiro more than a couple headaches, sometimes literally.
Characters: We get introduced to a few new characters, though the standout ones of the volume are the engineer twins Tina and Wiska. The other newcomers are fun, but we really only get to learn a couple of their names.
Overall: A solid fifth entry that is less action packed than prior volumes.