Michael Blaker’s Video Game Tuesday: Baffling Design Choices

Michael Blaker
Game Industry News is running the best blog posts from people writing about the game industry. Articles here may originally appear on Michael's blog, Windborne's Story Eatery.

Hey all, I’m back with yet another question for all of you readers. It’s all about baffling design choices.

Baffling Design Choices?: Yes, a choice in game design that really just makes you wonder, “Why did the developers do it this way?” For example, in the recent Spider-Man 2 title after fully clearing the main story, it doesn’t allow players to go around completing cleared bases, one of my favorite parts.

Even more baffling, you lose the ability to fight random criminals on the street. Instead, all of the random events that you can intervene in are solely Symbiote themed, and while there might be fights against Kraven’s Hunters or the Flame’s followers, they are all fights where you intervene between those factions and the Symbiotes.

There are no basic criminals you can stop from mugging someone or doing an arms deal on the roof of some building. It’s a major pity and something that I was hoping to see included in the so-called big post release update that released this past spring, but it really only added the ability to play New Game Plus.

Sometimes it really makes us wonder what developers were thinking. That’s it for this week’s Video Game Tuesday.

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