This week for Serial Saturday I’m covering the second set of chapters in Arthur’s adventures. It’s Once Human, Now a Parasite Chapters 41-80 by Crow!
Plot Synopsis: Arthur, an incredibly successful businessman was kidnapped and tortured for months by men his wife hired just so she could get his money. After months of this hell, he was given a second chance, a new life in a different world. Arthur would, of course, rather start a new life; than stay and continue to be tortured…
Plot: This set of chapters stays fairly dark, but it also is a lot more heartwarming. Now you might be saying, “Michael that goes against the point of Arthur’s actions up to this point”. Sort of, but it makes sense to me as it’s about Arthur growing past the horror of what he went through at the end of his previous life. That’s all I’ll say in regards to the plot, as any more would probably be incredibly spoiler-ific.
Characters: We get quite a few new faces this set of chapters, but my favorite is Saly. You’ll find out why if you read the chapters.
Overall: A solid set of chapters in a fairly solid series.