Game Savant Fights Breast Cancer

Game Savant ( is very proud to announce that, with the help of their customers, they will be joining the fight against breast cancer. $2 of every sale made during the month of July will automatically be donated to aid breast cancer
research. Game Savant members will have their names automatically added to the official donor list.

Game Savant memberships are completely free and allow you to write reviews and receive special offers. Breast cancer, aliens, and puzzles can be defeated with a little teamwork!

Game Savant is an innovative new system for finding and downloading the latest independent titles. Game Savant takes the best games and puts
them into categories that are easy to understand with a focus on community feedback. Members can write reviews and receive credits towards free full games with every purchase. Also, many new games come with short game videos that give you an idea of what a game will be like without all the hassle of downloading and installation.

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