How Should You Compare and Assess Gaming Platforms

Things were a little easier in the 1990s. At one point in time, choosing between gaming platforms was a case of going to a store, looking at the specifications between a couple of home and handheld consoles – such as the Sega Genesis and Nintendo Game Boy – personal computers, and, if all else fails, walking to your nearest arcade to play some Street Fighter II.

In 2024, things are a little different. Nowadays, we have a range of platforms to choose from, spanning both the real and online world, and choosing which one is right for you takes a little more thought than, which console can run Sonic the Hedgehog?

We shouldn’t really complain, though. For gamers around the world, the options have never been more diverse and exciting, with each platform catering to the specific player and taking into account their interests, lifestyle, time, and money. But how exactly do you choose between these options when they’re so varied? Below, we’re going to go into the most popular gaming platforms and how you should compare and assess them.

iGaming Platforms (Smartphones and Tablets)

Starting with the iGaming industry. Sitting at nearly a $70 billion valuation, online casinos have taken the world by storm, catering to players who want convenience, easy accessibility, and a variety of quick-play games. The best thing about them is that they’re available to everyone who has a smartphone, a tablet, or a desktop. If you’re a more casual gamer – but don’t want to fork out on a new Xbox or PlayStation – then iGaming platforms provide the perfect avenue to scratch that gaming itch whenever you want, without the added expense of buying new hardware.

When it comes to comparing and assessing iGaming platforms themselves, we’d recommend online guides that can pinpoint your specific priority – this Instant Casinos guide, for instance, focuses on the fastest payouts, but you can also focus on the ‘best bonuses’, ‘most variety’, ‘most security’, and so on. This will help to compare platforms efficiently and productively, allowing you to understand the qualities of each before you start playing with your money.

Consoles and Gaming PCs (Specialised Gaming Hardware)

The more traditional gamers amongst us will probably lean a little further towards specialised gaming hardware, such as consoles, gaming PCs, or handheld devices like the Nintendo Switch. These are especially good if you want a more immersive gaming experience, with quality AAA titles that can take you away and keep you occupied for months. Unlike iGaming platforms, you can’t simply whip out your console and play a quick game for a few minutes. This is more of a commitment, and the price tag reflects that.

Speaking of the price tag, this is one of the factors you’ll consider when comparing and assessing different hardware. Before you get into the nitty gritty of game catalogues and playability, you need to assess your budget and determine which device offers the best quality, services, and features – including CPU, GPU, RAM, and storage – relative to the cost. Other things you can take into account include compatibility and backward compatibility, and the consistency of quality output from the platform’s first-party studios. To get a good idea of this, there are plenty of online articles and even online gaming podcasts that can give you a well-rounded overview of what’s good and what’s not.

Innovative New Tech (VR, AR, Blockchain)

Other platforms we have to mention are the ones that are just now taking off – such as VR, AR, and blockchain technologies. All of these avenues offer a different kind of gaming experience, with VR, specifically, allowing players to experience games in 360 degrees, with the ability to move and interact with their virtual environment. Platforms like the Meta Quest 3, Apple Vision Pro, and Playstation VR2 have been selling well recently, and although the selection of games is limited, users are loving the immersion and new gameplay mechanics that have emerged as a result.

Speaking of new tech, blockchain has also added a new element to the gaming world, swerving it toward a Web3 model. Going back to iGaming for a second: crypto casinos have tapped into this Web3-orientated market, giving users the chance to make deposits and withdrawals with their crypto tokens as a form of payment. But apart from this, there are also entirely blockchain-stationed games. These are essentially decentralised ‘social games’ that offer player-driven economies, community governance, and increased transparency and safety.

Choosing between these platforms will really come down to what you want out of your gaming experience. Each of these technologies are in their infancy, which means the quality is not quite there yet, but they do offer a new experience that you might fall in love with. In this case, it’s all about reading reviews, scanning through catalogues and, when it comes to VR tech, giving yourself a chance to ‘try before you buy’.

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