Renowned Japanese game company Level-5, best known for the critically acclaimed Professor Layton, Inazuma Eleven and Ni No Kuni, has released Layton Brothers Mystery Room, a crime-solving adventure game featuring enigmatic cases and new mysteries for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. The game is available in North America and Europe as a free download with two initial cases to solve, with additional cases available as in-app purchases for players who find themselves engrossed in the extraordinary adventure of the son of world-beloved Professor Layton.
"We are excited to bring Layton Brothers Mystery Room to iOS in North America and Europe, where so many have already grown to love the puzzle-solving fun and whimsical adventure that the Professor Layton brand is known for," said Akihiro Hino, President and CEO of Level-5. "This is a brand new title that puts players in the middle of fascinating crime scenes that can be compared to an interactive mystery novella, creating the same sense of page-turning urgency that we hope will compel players to continue the story beyond the initial two case files that are being offered for free."
Layton Brothers Mystery Room assembles the finest detectives of Scotland Yard who take on only the most extraordinary and twisted cases in what is known as the "Mystery Room." The game features genius investigator, Inspector Alfendi Layton and his newly assigned assistant, Detective Constable Lucy Baker, who must delve into each case’s dark secrets — but it’s up to the player to investigate the evidence, find the contradictions, and unravel the truth that lies shrouded in mystery.