Mystic Chooses EMotion FX

Mystic Game Development, a pioneer in real-time character animation middleware, today announced that Ani-Park Inc, has chosen EMotion FX for a new game.

"EMotion FX is the most essential engine in developing our game" said Dong-Hyun Kim, Executive Producer at Ani-Park Inc. "EMotion FX supports almost every specification that we wanted to obtain. We firmly believe that with EMotion FX we are now able to realize our character engine with the quality we desire in a very short time. We are even inspired by various functions of EMotion FX, so that now we expect to elevate the quality of the final game by utilizing the best of EMotion FX.

Having worked with Ani_Park team since 2005, I am pleased by their feedback" said John van der Burg, Development Director at Mystic Game Development. "I am glad to see that customers like Ani-Park Inc are very satisified by the technological innovations that we placed in the latest version of EMotion FX."

Dong-Hyun Kim went on to say "We recommend EMotion FX as the best engine for solving character and animation challenges"

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