After Pippi Longstocking’s successful debut on Nintendo DS, the world’s strongest girl continues to conquer the gaming world in a game for Nintendo 3DS. Together with Tommy and Annika, she goes out on ‘thing searching’ in Pippi Longstocking 3D. There are many things that need to be packed for her next voyage on the seven seas. Besides entire new areas to explore there are new fun gadgets, such as the glue shoes. And the player can create treasure maps which can be shared with friends by StreetPass.
It’s an adventure in real 3D without the need of 3D glasses of any kinds as the Nintendo 3DS system can display stereoscopic 3D images on the upper LCD screen. For younger kids the 3D effect can be switched off.
‘In the Nintendo 3DS game you’ll discover a bigger Pippi world to explore, both over and under the sea level. Climb up on walls, and test your strength with Mighty Adolf, and find out what’s really hiding Pippi’s soda tree,’ says Tinka Town, Creative Director and co-founder of Ravn Studio. ‘And it’s exciting to look for buried coins hidden by friends and other Nintendo 3DS players in treasure maps shared with StreetPass.’
‘When you move Pippi out of the books and allow her to live in other media it’s still important that you recognize the world from the books. Together with Ravn we’ve tried to come up with games and missions that is in line with the books. It’s a new way to get to learn Pippi and have fun in her world,’ says Christina Aden at Saltkrakan, the owner of all intellectual properties after Astrid Lindgren and Ingrid Vang Nyman.
As with the first game, the visual inspiration comes from the books about Pippi Longstocking with illustrations by Ingrid Vang Nyman.
Pippi Longstocking 3D is developed by Ravn Studio and published by PAN Vision. The game is distributed by PAN Vision in Sweden Norway, Denmark and Finland, and by Mindscape Northern Europe BV in The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg and France, and by dtp entertainment AG in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.