If we don’t get banned somewhere each week, I start to feel that maybe we aren’t doing our job," Vince Desi, head of RWS once admitted to a reporter regarding the POSTAL videogame franchise.
By those standards, the creators of POSTAL, Running With Scissors have had an incredible week.
The company that brought us the famous ‘1984’ Superbowl commercial has obviously become Big Brother," remarked Desi. "The Mac market is regarded as the most mature, sophisticated demographic in the home computer world. But Apple obviously doesn’t feel its users should be able to make their own choices when it comes to the software they buy for their Macs.
"Our fans are our secret weapon," maintained the unsinkable Vince Desi. "It’s always been our philosophy to support our fans first, and we will continue to deal directly with them." POSTAL 2: Share The Pain for Mac features both single and multi-player modes and of course the infamous Gary Coleman.
Last week the game loaded with mature humor and political ‘in’-correctness was offered to Apple for sale in its retail outlets but Apple passed, so the Running With Scissors online store is the sole source from which Mac users can obtain the most notorious video game in the history of electronic entertainment.To top things off, in the same week POSTAL 2 was banned by the government of New Zealand (which permits both the GTA and Soldier of Fortune games to be sold freely). "Who’s gonna be next to ban us? I have no idea but I have no doubt it will happen again" said the ever faithful God fearing Desi.