PSP Puzzle (IQ) Game Ships

What is your PQ? Gamers all over the world will be asking that question very soon as D3Publisher of America, Inc. (D3PA), a publisher and developer of interactive entertainment software, today announced their first release for the PSP (PlayStationPortable) system, PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient. A 3D puzzle game that tests players problem solving skills, PQ uses the PSP system’s Infrastructure Mode
and allows players to post their PQ score on the worldwide ranking site to see how they rank against other players around the world.

"Our first title for the PSP system had to be one that would not only take advantage of the platform, but would give gamers a good reason to brag about their score," commented Yoji Takenaka, executive vice president and COO for D3PA. "PQ is perfect for PSP system as it offers pick-and-play ease without a significant time commitment. Our plan is to bring high quality, innovative
titles to the PSP system to establish a name for D3PA among both retailers
and consumers."

PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient is anticipated to be released January
2006 for the PSP (PlayStationPortable) system. Developed by Nowproduction of Osaka, Japan for D3PA, the game uses a measuring system that was created under the guidance of Professor Masuo Koyasu of Kyoto University in Japan that measures players ‘Practical Intelligence Quotient’ or PQ.

Players can challenge 100 3D logic puzzles by moving blocks, avoiding walls and lasers, pulling switches and maneuvering with maps to reach their goal and solve the puzzle. As players solve the puzzle within a shorter time frame and with fewer moves, their PQ scores improve. Players can then post their PQ score using the PSP system’s Infrastructure Mode to receive a worldwide ranking.

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