WarpPortal, known for publishing the online and mobile Ragnarok Online franchise, has revealed Warrior, Hunter, and Wizard as the official classes for the highly anticipated Unreal 3 powered mobile game, Tower of Ascension .
Among all the heroes of Midgard the warriors are the strongest and toughest, featuring two different play styles; one handed sword and shield for quick attacks and high defense, & two handed weapons for explosive amounts of damage.
To offset their small frames, Hunters specialized in long-range attacks, especially preemptive and moving attacks. They may be small, but their guns pack a powerful punch.
Masters of magic and sorcery, these heroes have the elements and dark magic at their fingertips. Whether using Ice to slow enemies, lightening to cause massive direct damage, fire to burn groups at a time, or dark magic to curse and weaken, the Wizard is ready for a variety of circumstances.
Battle against friends or party up with them to take down some of the vilest monsters in your quest for immortality.