The battle for the hearts and minds of today's kids has just intensified with the arrival of a new online adventure destination, Created by five dedicated parents with extensive backgrounds in education, technology and media, ZooKazoo encourages creative girls and boys ages 6-12 to have fun, express themselves and make their world a better place all in a very unique and friendly online environment.
While offering an in-depth and engaging experience for kids, ZooKazoo has taken significant measures to provide safety features including: 24/7 monitoring, smart text filters that are designed to learn over time, and easy to use, no bullying features. Most importantly, ZooKazoo promotes responsible community membership by allowing kids to help police their own world. And finally, ZooKazoo's environments are advertising-free, as the site is entirely supported by subscriptions from parents and guardians.
"We are extremely proud and excited to announce the arrival of ZooKazoo," said John Kim, Co-Founder, President and CEO of ZooKazoo. "We've taken the best elements of social networking, entertainment, creativity and environmental consciousness and weaved them into a safer, online environment that is a total blast for kids while it also nurtures their self-esteem and personal growth."