Having Some 2D Fantasy Fun
Our Tuesday App review this week centers on Blaze&Graze! for the iOS, a game that will have you trying to clear a safe path with everything from fireball wands to AK-47s.
Our Tuesday App review this week centers on Blaze&Graze! for the iOS, a game that will have you trying to clear a safe path with everything from fireball wands to AK-47s.
Our Tuesday app review this week is Legend Online for the iOS, where our reviewer braves Cowardly Gits, annoying ads, bad typos and a sexist world where a good pair of pants is impossible to find.
Our app reviews continue with Flag It Free, a game we hoped would peak our vexillology interests. But arbitrary timed levels and a difficult interface left us at half-staff.
This week Billy went to Facebook to feed his Time Waster addiction with Jelly Splash. Did the game scratch his itch, or is he looking for more?
Only in app games it seems can you have two felines popping balloons, skirting black holes and fighting over a ball of yarn using physics. But Chester & Morgan deliver.
This week Billy takes to his phone to check out a new game RPG called Pocket Knights. Can Pocket Knights compare to previous mobile RPGs reviewed by this Time Waster?
With Timewaster Billy feeling under the weather, Chief Editor Breeden straps on his leather flying helmet and takes to the skies with Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol, a pretty perfect casual war game.
Our newest contributing reviewer Meg Stivison explores a Neanderthal’s paradise in Prehistoric Park, which puts a Stone Age twist on a classic theme park builder for mobile players.
You may have heard Chella talking about Morphopolis last week as a hidden gem you should play this holiday. Here is her full review on this wonderful little game.
This week Billy took to his smartphone to check out Puzzle & Dragon, a game that was suggested to him by one of our readers. Is it worth the download?