In warfare when you switch sides they call it being a traitor, but Hargosh may have good cause. A longtime Call of Duty fan, he’s angry because the only way to buy the remastered Modern Warfare is bundled with Infinite War. And then there is that great Battlefield 1 trailer.
The Banner Saga 2 picks up where the first game ended. Happily, for those who haven’t played the first game, you can jump right in with the sequel, thanks to a handy animated synopsis of the first saga. However, you’ll get more out of the story if you play from the first one, as , much like BioWare games, such as Mass Effect, your choices from the first game impact on how things go in the next. The Banner Saga 2 does let you choose your starting character, regardless of your previous ending, which I really liked. First, Stoic has listened … Continue reading Beautiful Storybook Battles With Banner Saga 2→
Doom was developed at id Software, the studio that pioneered the first-person shooter genre and invented multiplayer Deathmatch. Relentless demons, impossibly destructive guns, and fast, fluid movement provide the foundation for intense, first-person combat.
Have you finally conquered the Commonwealth? Have no fear Fallout 4 warriors, because the new Automatron DLC adds new enemies, new quests and a robot workstation that lets you build and customize your own robot army.
Square-Enix and Eidos-Montréal today released the 101 trailer for the much awaited Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. In this new video, you will follow Adam Jensen, an experienced counterterrorism agent of Task Force 29, as he makes sure that the events of the past won’t repeat themselves.
Dripping with Cold War intrigue and stealth gameplay, Alekhine’s Gun takes players on a wild ride that is the spiritual successor to the Death to Spies series, though comparisons will also rightly be made to classic Hitman and Splinter Cell.
Io-Interactive is delighted to announce the launch of HITMAN Episode 2: Sapienza today. The mission titled; World of Tomorrow enlists Agent 47 to target Silvio Caruso, a brilliant but troubled bioengineer employed by the Ether Biotech Corporation who is reportedly working on a DNA-Specific virus able to infect anyone anywhere in the world. 47 must eliminate Caruso and his lab head Francesca De Santis as well as destroy the yet unfinished virus prototype. “Sapienza is a strong contrast to the Paris fashion show, it’s the nearest thing to a small town released in a Hitman game which we haven’t done before on this … Continue reading HITMAN Episode 2: Sapienza Launches→
With more votes cast than ever before, it probably means some really good choices for the 2015 GiN Game of the Year winners, right? Probably so, but lets take a look at everything that ended up winning top honors this week in the GiN Lounge.
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