Super Toy Cars Races To PlayStation 4
Super Toy Cars is a combat racing arcade game that is now available on the PlayStation 4 console. With 16 cars and 15 tracks its a series of destructive races to the checkered flag.
Super Toy Cars is a combat racing arcade game that is now available on the PlayStation 4 console. With 16 cars and 15 tracks its a series of destructive races to the checkered flag.
The remastered for next-gen consoles version of Darksiders 2: The Deathinitive Edition doesn’t try to reinvent the wheel because Darksiders 2 was a great game. However, anyone who missed the original or who wants to take another run at it will find a lot worth liking here.
Achieving nearly impossible perfect scores with three different reviewers on three different platforms is setting up Fallout 4 for a serious Game of the Year run. As the final GiN Lounge podcast of the year, we jump in and talk about all the great Fallout goodness.
Kromaia Omega takes the bullet hell games from the arcade days of old and turns it into a 3D experience that is quite fun. Keep streaming out those bullets, with no need to reload required. Originally released on the PC, it jumps over to the PlayStation 4, and bullet hell came with it.
While the core gameplay was really amazing, The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC improves upon it in almost every way. New stories, new amazing environments, new romance, new powerful boss battles and even new Gwent cards await inside Hearts of Stone.
Hideo Kojima Leaves Konami, Forms Studio, Working on PS4 Exclusive Game
GTA Online: Executives and Other Criminals DLC Available Now
The fate of House Forrester is sealed in the sixth and final episode of the Telltale Games series set in the Game of Thrones universe. Will anyone survive Game of Thrones: The Ice Dragon?
Having backwards compatibility on the Xbox One for many 360 games is something that quite a few gamers enjoy. But Sony is digging in and not allowing the same level of usability with the PlayStation 4, unless you want to pay PlayStation Now prices. Not exactly fair or equal treatment?
Instead of one of our Call of Duty hardcore players, we let a complete novice try out Call of Duty: Black Ops III. The results were surprising, and lets Black Ops III join 2015’s perfect score club. This year’s COD is number one with a bullet(s).