Bright Lights, Big Puzzles with One Upon Light
One Upon Light is a puzzle adventure where the focus is solidly on the puzzle aspect. Although the storyline is a little bit threadbare, the unique focus on light and shadow keeps it interesting.
One Upon Light is a puzzle adventure where the focus is solidly on the puzzle aspect. Although the storyline is a little bit threadbare, the unique focus on light and shadow keeps it interesting.
ACE COMBAT 7 Announced, Adds VR Flight
Extreme Exorcism changes the platformer genre a bit by having the monsters learn player tactics and mimic them. So the great tactic you used in one level can become a player-killer in the next. Choose your strategy carefully.
Square Enix and Avalanche Studios are proud and excited to announce that JUST CAUSE 3 is out now! The Mediterranean republic of Medici is suffering under the brutal control of General Di Ravello, a dictator with an insatiable appetite for power. Enter Rico Rodriguez, a man on a mission to destroy the General’s hold on power by any means necessary. With over 400 square miles of complete freedom from sky to seabed and a huge arsenal of weaponry, gadgets and vehicles, JUST CAUSE 3 allows you to unleash chaos in the most creative and explosive ways imaginable. [amazon asin=B00PE1KNPC&text=Why wait? … Continue reading Release the Mayhem: Just Cause 3 Ships Worldwide
Tales from the Borderlands takes the beloved shooter’s source material and redeploys it as a clever, well-written story-based adventure as only Telltale Games could successfully pull off.
Having looked at Fallout 4 on the Xbox One and the PC, we round out our coverage with our review of how Fallout 4 does on the PlayStation 4. Will it earn a clean sweep on all platforms? Hint: probably.
The final video in the JUST CAUSE 3 Developer Diary series takes a look at the technology behind the game: the Avalanche Engine. Talking about the combination of mechanics the engine allows for, procedural destruction models and enemy AI behaviors, the final video is a fantastic insight into how the Avalanche Studios team has brought JUST CAUSE 3 to life. “The ability to create a world of this density, complexity and size – that alone is something that makes the Avalanche Engine stand out.” said Linus Blomberg, CTO at Avalanche Studios. Publishers: Square Enix Developers: Avalanche Studios Platforms: PC, PlayStation … Continue reading Final Just Cause 3 Developer Diary Shows Off Avalanche Engine
The final episode of Dontnod’s cult hit is here and for an episodic game that’s built it’s name on powerful endings, Life is Strange has a lot to live up to. Unfortunately, this is the weakest episode of the series.
After five amazing episodes, all the time-traveling drama comes down to the final few choices. Come see the ending, and a few different possibilities, as we come screaming into the end of the line for Life is Strange. Who will live? Who will die? It all ends now.
Following the release of the final episode of LIFE IS STRANGE, we’re excited to announce that DONTNOD’s award-winning episodic series will be getting a boxed Limited Edition release on January 19th 2016 in the US and January 22nd 2016 in PAL territories. “The response to Life is Strange really has blown us away,” explained Luc Baghadoust, producer at DONTNOD Entertainment, “to be able to share that experience with our fans in a traditional boxed format is something we’re really excited about and the decision to include the extra items for the Limited Edition is a direct response to fan requests.” … Continue reading Life is Strange Director’s Cut Scheduled For 2016