Rime Trailer Melts Hearts at Gamescom

Another Sony exclusive, Rime is the upcoming puzzle adventure from Deadlight developer, Tequila Works. The stunning, whimsical trailer put the pretty into the Sony press conference, offering visions of a boy lost on a mystical island. The game shows promise and more than an element of Ico, as a boy in a tunic journeys across a deserted island. There is a mysterious white tower and some fantastical elements, such as copper globes on legs. I kid you not. The cel-shaded animation is reminiscent of the Legend of Zelder: The Windwaker aesthetic. This is whimsy with a capital whim. Check out the … Continue reading Rime Trailer Melts Hearts at Gamescom

Bloodborne Gameplay Trailer

Sony’s Gamescom press conference delivered first ever gameplay footage of new IP, Bloodborne. The action-RPG is a PS4 exclusive and the trailer shows a game with more than a hint of the gothic. Check out the moody trailer for  yourself:   Publishers: Sony Computer Entertainment Developers: SCE Japan Studio Platforms: PlayStation 4 Events: Gamescom 2014

Rayman Creator Unveils PS4 Exclusive Wild

Michel Ancel, the man behind Rayman and Beyond Good and Evil, was at Sony’s Gamescom press conference to reveal his new game, Wild. The PS4 exclusive Wild is not a Ubisoft game, but part of Ancel’s indie studio Wild Sheep Studio. Wild’s big boast is that you can play any living creature in the game world. And what a world. The humans are primitive, tribal types, but creatures include giants, skeletons, prehistoric creatures, including, boar, bears, sharks and eagles. There are no gameplay details, so just watch and enjoy:   Developers: Wild Sheep Studio Platforms: PlayStation 4 Events: Gamescom 2014

Ninja Theory Announces Hellblade

Heavenly Sword developer, Ninja Theory has a new poster girl, as it announces Hellblade with a teaser trailer at Sony’s Gamescom press conference. The presentation simply showed the trailer with no additional details, but a little investigation reveals that it’s based on Celtic myth. The teaser shows a tribal looking woman holding a rune-covered sword in the middle of a stone henge. It looks set to follow in the stylish action footsteps of Heavenly Sword. Self-published by Ninja Theory, Hellblade will come to console on PS4 first, but no indication of when. Take a look for yourself: Publishers: Ninja Theory … Continue reading Ninja Theory Announces Hellblade