A few short weeks ago, 11 bit studios and Digital Sun released details for their roadmap of updates for Moonlighter. Today, they are ecstatic to announce that the very first one, the More Stock Update, is already available for all PC players — for free! The update will follow on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 over the coming weeks so be sure to follow all our channels to stay up to date. Editor’s Note: Check out our full review of Moonlighter! The biggest change players will notice from the very start are the new room patterns — more than 100, … Continue reading Moonlighter Offers Massive Free Update→
Anyone who purchased the season pass for Far Cry 5 got a Vietnam, a zombie and a Mars themed level as part of that package. Vietnam was the first out of the gate, and offers a bit more strategy and stealth over the core game.
Alawar Premium presents the beta demo of ‘I am Not a Monster’ a new game developed by Cheerdealers, a second independent title release after their popular game Distrust launched last summer. Beta testers who download the steam demo are invited to fill out a survey, and this will act as an official entry into a giveaway giving early adopters a chance to win some ‘beta gifts.’ What to Expect: The informed minority Vs. the uninformed majority: а turn-based tactical multiplayer in a retro sci-fi setting with randomly assigned roles and Mafia/Werewolf party game features. “Hunting a Monster that mirrors your … Continue reading I Am Not A Monster Party Game Beta Moves to Steam→
Incorporating cars, off-road trucks, airplanes, motorcycles and speedboats, The Crew 2 challenges players to master a variety of races from coast to coast. You might even find yourself instantly switching from one vehicle to the next in the same race.
It’s that time again, when we all get to celebrate the best games of the year. And what a year 2018 turned out to be, with an amazing balance between AAA and indie titles, action adventures and story based games, and just about everything else anyone could have imagined.
Battle Fleet: Ground Assault takes some of the most exciting tank theaters from WWII and puts them into a turn-based strategy game using the proven Battle Fleet interface. But does Ground Assault stand on its own, or sink under its own weight?
Re-releasing a game from 2008 on the Nintendo Switch may not seem like a recipe for success, but it actually is if that game is De Blob, one of the coolest 3D puzzle platformers around. Now paired with the friendly Switch interface, gamers will be painting the town red, blue, green and everything else all over again.
Incoming swarm approaching! Seattle-based game developer Holospark proudly announced today that their cooperative online first-person shooter, Earthfall, is now available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and PC via Steam for $29.99. Harkening to the frenetic pace and sweat-inducing action of classic co-op shooters of Killing Floor and Left 4 Dead, players join-up into teams of four to annihilate swarms of savage alien monsters. Use team-based tactics to set-up choke points with barricades, land mines, and turrets, and clear each area of alien scum to take back the Earth block by block, city by city. Survivors will arm … Continue reading Earthfall Co-op Shooter Now Available→
Lust for Darkness lives up to its namesake, blending intense sexual themes with Lovecraftian horror. It pulls no punches, but while at times can be jarring and certainly uncomfortable, the game never feels unreasonably gratuitous or insulting to the player.
With the deep summer upon us, and half the year gone, it’s time for Todd to rank the three best, and one worst, games that 2018 has offered players so far. Taken as a whole, the year has been pretty good, though there are always exceptions. Find out if Todd’s picks matches your own thoughts on games this year.
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