Sega’s Two Point Campus Hits Milestone of One Million Players

Two Point Campus graduates with a first-class degree after hitting a huge one million players just two weeks after launch. Offering bags of charm and tongue-in-cheek comedy, the critically acclaimed management sim from SEGA Europe and Two Point Studios surpassed the milestone even faster than its much-loved predecessor, Two Point Hospital. Mark Webley, Studio Director at Two Point Studios, said: “Two Point Campus was such a thrill to create so we’re ecstatic to see so many people enjoying the game as much as they do! We had high hopes that we had created something that fans would love, but the … Continue reading Sega’s Two Point Campus Hits Milestone of One Million Players

Techland Unveils Dying Light 2 Stay Human: Bloody Ties DLC at Gamescom

In an industry happening on August 23, we had shared with you about the teaser to the trailer for a new DLC for developer Techland’s masterpiece Dying Light 2 game. And now, the developer has pulled back the curtain on Dying Light 2 Stay Human: Bloody Ties, the first story-based DLC for their zombie survival game. The full trailer was revealed at Gamescom 2022 today, showing off a new combat arena and an all new story to follow. Dying Light 2 Stay Human: Bloody Ties will be available worldwide on PC, PlayStation and Xbox consoles on October 13th. Developers: … Continue reading Techland Unveils Dying Light 2 Stay Human: Bloody Ties DLC at Gamescom

Construction Simulator’s Multiplayer Mode Allows for Crew Building Entertainment

Today, astragon Entertainment and weltenbauer are happy to announce more details about the multiplayer mode of the new Construction Simulator for PC, PlayStation and Xbox. In the latest instalment of the successful simulation game series, players can play not only on their own, but also together with others in a cooperative multiplayer mode – for the first time in the history of the series also on consoles. The latest part of the Construction Simulator series impresses not only with its enormous scope, its modern graphics and the largest vehicle fleet in the history of the game series, but also with … Continue reading Construction Simulator’s Multiplayer Mode Allows for Crew Building Entertainment