Featuring a strong buddy tale of two Nazi-hunting sisters, Wolfenstein Youngblood attempts to take the series into a more modern era. With beautiful graphics, a smooth cooperative mode for two human players, a great story and plenty of action, it’s mission accomplished.
Once again, Todd proves that just because a game like Wolfenstein Youngblood adds microtransactions, that you don’t have to use them unless you need a shortcut. Todd has completed Youngblood, and you know this is coming, didn’t spend a dime on microtransactions.
This year’s QuakeCon will continue it’s legacy of giving as the American Red Cross, Dallas Pets Alive!, 1UpOnCancer, Anime for Humanity, Stack Up, and Gamers Outreach will have a presence at the show, providing attendees with several opportunities to donate, support, and give to help others.
Following up on the original Rage game, Rage 2 does everything a little bit bigger and a lot better. This is one crazy open world post-apocalyptic adventure, with lots of variety in the various forms of melee, ranged and vehicular combat.
Bethesda doubled down on some of its hit titles at it’s E3 2019 Press Conference, including new content for The Elder Scrolls Online and Wolfenstein. They also introduced some new games including DEATHLOOP and Ghostwire: Tokyo.
A wise man once said: “There’s a lot of things you can do with a hatchet and a Nazi.” Now just imagine what you and a friend will be able to do with TWO hatchets. Luckily, you won’t have to imagine much longer. Machine Games, in collaboration with Arkane Studios Lyon, will release Wolfenstein: Youngblood, the series’ first modern cooperative game, on July 26, 2019 for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. Wolfenstein: Youngblood will throw you (and a friend!) back in time to 1980s Paris, fighting the Reich’s war machine as one of BJ Blazkowicz’s twin daughters, … Continue reading Wolfenstein: Youngblood Gets July Release Date→
Isle of Madness, the latest and largest story expansion to date for The Elder Scrolls: Legends, officially releases on January 24 for PC, iOS, and Android devices. The trailer for the expansion dropped today, giving a glimpse into the emotionally intense story that follows a desperate father who’s willing to take a trip into madness to save his son. With new card and lane mechanics, a theme of transformation and insanity and a story that offers a mixture of both hilarity and tragedy, Legends players are in for a sweet(roll) treat. Beginning today, players can visit The Elder Scrolls: Legends … Continue reading The Elder Scrolls To Expand into Isle of Madness→
Bethesda’s new Fallout 76 MMO was, let’s face it, a buggy mess when it was released. Yet our reviewer found more than enough good things to prompt him to keep playing, including a great community of players. Fallout 76 is a rocky road, but one that may still be worth treading.
Todd is 25 hours into Fallout 76 so far, and although the world’s newest sci-fi MMO does have a lot of performance problems, the game is a ton of fun to play, and the community is extremely supportive, even helping gift items to newer players in need.
The beloved Fallout series heads to the West Virginia wilderness with the introduction of Fallout 76. Our reviewer is hard at work on the review, but wanted to show off his first few steps into this brave new world with a series of videos.
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