Many longtime Metal Gear Solid fans, like our own Todd Hargosh, thought that Ground Zeroes was an unabashed mess. Now Hargosh is playing the new Phantom Pain, and it’s slowly growing on him as he works on his final review.
It’s been a fairly quiet start to 2015, for the games industry, but all that changed last week, when the faeces hit the proverbial fan over at Konami. The superstar developer looks set to leave Konami, after 30 years, leaving Metal Gear fans in turmoil.
Don’t count anything out! While people thought that PES was on the ropes, Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 comes roaring back to deliver the hands-down best soccer experience of the year.
Ever play a game that you loved, but could never remember the name because it was such an obscure game? Michael felt that way for years until he finally remembered the game he’s covering for this week’s Retro Game Friday. It’s Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon!