Forgoing the glitz and flash of some of the other console companies and game makers, Nintendo instead opted to put together a video showcasing all their pending games. The packed presentation includes DAEMON X MACHINA, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Torna, Pokéball Plus, Super Mario Party, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Fortnite, Overcooked 2, Super Smash Bros and much more.
Like most of us here at GiN, Todd will be watching all the major E3 Expo press conferences with a careful eye. Given the state of the market, and what happened last year, who will most wow their fans this time around? Bethesda? Sony? EA? Microsoft? Ubisoft? Nintendo? It’s time!
Michael’s back with the final entry in a series that has since been pushed into the gaming graveyard for this week’s Retro Game Friday. It’s F-Zero GX!
News that Nintendo will finally create an online service for their Nintendo Switch has got Todd, along with millions of Nintendo fans, pretty excited. Todd breaks down some of the greatest announced features, alongside a couple that may need a little work.
Michael’s back with a wish list of characters he’d love to see in the next Nintendo fighting game series masterpiece for this week’s Video Game Tuesday. It’s Newcomers I Want In The Next Smash Bros!
There have been a very few limited windows in the game industry when true platform crossplay almost happened. But you might have to go back to 56K modems to find them. Really, console crossplay’s time has come, so why is someone dragging it’s feet?
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