Retro Game Friday: Star Fox Adventures
Before the forgettable Star Fox Assault came Star Fox Adventures, a huge departure from the Star Fox Franchise’s standard gameplay. Michael covers it in this week’s Retro Game Friday!
Before the forgettable Star Fox Assault came Star Fox Adventures, a huge departure from the Star Fox Franchise’s standard gameplay. Michael covers it in this week’s Retro Game Friday!
It seems that our heroes can’t want for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate to drop early next year. They are already getting their gear together. Are you ready?
With the holiday season approaching, game companies are putting out some pretty cool products that fall into the wacky yet cool category. In fact, taken as a whole, the past couple weeks have been filled with good gaming news. So grab a mug of hot chocolate and curl up with some fine headlines rounded up for your pleasure by Chella.
Michael didn’t even remember this week’s game existed until he spotted it in his collection collecting dust. Star Fox Assault slouched into this week’s Retro Game Friday.
Michael got to play this game for free because he visited Nintendo’s North American HQ. It’s time to ground pound some sense into his past self for the choice he made in picking Wario World (Gamecube Edition) in this week’s Retro Game Friday.
Every Wii U owner should be happy to add Hyrule Warriors to their collection. It mixes gameplay from several favorites including Zelda and Dynasty Warriors to form a unique combat-intensive battler.
Are you ready for some gaming? Hopefully so, because the autumn release season is in full swing. Chella surveys the field and picks out the top six titles that no gamer should be without in the coming few months.
With a somewhat subdued E3 Expo 2014, Chella still manages to find the best bits from the show, and reveals quite a few pretty cool gems that are not to be missed. Stop by and see if you sync up with Chella this week on what you are dying to play in 2014.
Mario Kart 8 is one of the most visually stunning games to ever come out for the Wii U console. Beyond that, there is no lag and the control is responsive and fun, even in the middle of a storm of driving mayhem. It’s easily a Wii U must have title.
Todd watched all of the major press conferences from Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, Ubisoft and Electronic Arts. He brings us his take on what it all means, and picks an overall winner for E3 2014.