This week, Save State features the action RPG franchise known as Ys series by Nihon Falcom. Vincent Mahoney takes a close look at a title in the series from 2006 called Ys Origin. It’s a prequel to the previous nine titles, all with action, puzzles, platforming elements and movement that is both agile and responsive.
The Rune Factory RPG series from developer Hakama has a long history of providing gamers with a platform to fight, farm and craft their way to victory. Rune Factory 5 continues that grand tradition in style.
This week our intrepid Save State Gamer, Vincent Mahoney, enjoys his quarantine with some classic games and collections. This week, he tackles The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky and the Mega Zero ZX Legacy Collection.
Harvest Moon purists may find the simplified gameplay of Story of Seasons to be a comparative blasphemy, but the game does have good multi-tasking, a faster pace and lots of upgrade options. It’s also suitable for any age or skill level, and pretty fun.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky took ten years to come to America, and then it was a PSP game. Now it makes the jump to the PC, and our resident JRPG loving reviewer, Billy White, is there to play it through. Is this one lost in translation, or a valuable find?
Little King’s Story is a strategy/RPG for the Wii that is aimed at the younger crowd. Given that little kids are a bit underserved, this title could be considered one of the best titles for them.
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